Covid19 Me and in Praise of The Working Class Heroes.

Stephen Scott
3 min readFeb 10, 2021

Personally for me Covid19 has not been a huge strain or sacrifice. I enjoy my own company anyway and time spent in solitude reflecting and contemplating the world. I have used the time to finish my first script and start a second one. I have also begun to write the book id always promised to write, and finally do something with the song demos (actually my best material) recorded after my brief career in the pop world which amounted to two record releases, a mini tour of LA and video a shoot, and a handful of TV appearances. But lets get back to Covid19 and me.

It has been a pleasure to just slow down and not be living life at a hundred miles an hour. Rushing here there and everywhere with little real thought about what I am doing. It has given me chance to evaluate what I want from life, think about what the meaning of life is to me, and do some deep thinking and put my thoughts down in my book.

Had Covid19 happened in my twenties then my thoughts may have been somewhat different due to the effects it would have had on my social life, unable to attend football matches, go drinking and clubbing. I am pretty sure I would have been thoroughly fed up by now. So I do sympathise with young people, and it has affected both my daughters in that respect.

Apart from highlighting those who are selfish and uncaring for their fellow humans, Covid19 has also shown us those who are good. For me the NHS staff who have put themselves on the front line and in dangers way to look after those who have succumbed to the virus represent the very best of goodness in the world, in fact all the Key workers deserve our thanks. Covid19 has shown us who the true heroes of our society are. The workers who are usually looked down upon have suddenly had the spotlight of their great importance shone upon them and rightly so. Without these people society would quite literally fall apart. It isn’t the famous for nothing YouTube and reality TV stars we should be admiring, It is the Bin men and women, The lorry drivers, supermarket/shop workers, the fruit and vegetable pickers, the delivery drivers, post men and women , health care workers, care home staff, bakers, food production workers, Police, Fire fighters, Ambulance drivers, Pharmacists, public service workers. These are the real heroes, the people who society normally undervalues are the important glue that actually keeps society functioning. Without them society literally grinds to a halt and crumbles into chaos and anarchy.

Yet we pay those who contribute most the least. Imagine just for one moment a society without the refuge worker (bin men & women) for years these great and crucial public servants have been the butt of jokes, looked down on, mocked and ridiculed by some who assume and believe they must be stupid if all they can do is empty bins. But imagine just how awful life would be without these people. They are absolutely crucial to society, yet we barely notice them or give them a thought. We take them for granted. I have personally witnessed whilst out on the road other drivers abuse them because the road has been temporarily blocked by the bin waggon, as the refuge workers does nothing more than their vital work. I have even read reports of refuge workers being assaulted by impatient drivers. Totally unacceptable and the law should come down heavily on those who abuse or assault our key public workers, be they refuge collectors/Police/Fire/Ambulance/NHS workers etc.

So lets hear it for the bin men and women of our nation and all those other undervalued, poorly paid and largely forgotten taken for granted working class heroes, and lets stop the ridiculous worship of the famous for virtually nothing, self obsessed plastic reality TV stars.

Steve Scott Feb 2021



Stephen Scott

Self Defence & fitness Instructor | Motivator. On a journey after a lifetime of conflict externally & internally. Slowly escaping the madness. This is my truth